sunday 29th September, 2024

Wild Leaf
43 Gloucester Road, Bristol, BS7 8AD

Beginners Lino Printing Workshop

Come and enjoy an evening of Lino cutting, where you will make your own original mini print ready to be gifted or framed.

In this workshop, you will use a creative botanical set-up to sketch, compose, plan and print your own botanical print. Using the unique exotic plants of Wild Leaf as inspiration, you will be guided on how to plan and use lino printing materials to create your own unique lino print.

The workshop will begin by drawing quick sketches to warm up and build ideas. You will use different lino tools to make marks, carve out your design and print onto natural papers using a mini-press or a choice of hand tools. You will take away a minimum of six editions of your final mini-print with a mount card frame.

**What to expect:**

- Learn the art of lino printing

- Sketch from botanical inspiration of Wild Leaf

- All materials and tools provided

- Make six limited edition prints

Thursday 17th October, 2024

Wild Leaf
43 Gloucester Road, Bristol, BS7 8AD

Lino Cut Printing - Advancing your Practice

Rediscover or delve deeper in an evening of Lino cutting, where you will make your own original Lino block ready to print in the session and at home too.

In this workshop, you will use a selection of plants and props to sketch, compose, plan and print your own Lino print. We will explore how to translate your ideas into prints, and learn to make different marks with Lino cutting tools. You will bring your initial designs to life with different tones and textures. In the relaxed setting of Wild Leaf, Bristol’s first original plant shop, your host will guide you every step of the way, alleviating any fears and allowing your creativity to flourish.

This workshop is designed to help you build from your introductory experience with Lino printing. However, new beginners are also welcome and will be expertly guided through the process of creating your a6 Lino block. You will use different Lino tools to make marks, carve out your design and proof print your Lino block ready to print your edition using a selection of hand tools. You will leave with your carved Lino block, with a selection of papers, that you can continue printing from at home.

*What to expect:*

- Sketch from an inspirational selection of props and bring your ideas to life!

- Make your own original Lino block to continue printing at home

- All materials and tools provided

- Make your proof prints

-Print a limited edition

Thursday 5th december, 2024

Wild Leaf
43 Gloucester Road, Bristol, BS7 8AD

Sunday 10th november, 2024

Wild Leaf
43 Gloucester Road, Bristol, BS7 8AD


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